Kraft boxes with colored flap lids and the Co+op logo

Co+op, Stronger Together

Bold and Delicious

A fresh new look for grocery co-ops nationwide that helped spread the values of local and organic food to a new generation of conscious grocery shoppers.

Brand IdentityArt DirectionPackagingInteractive
Co-op Logo White
Co-op Logo Green
Co-op Logo Orange
Co-op Logo Purple


Hungry for More

The National Cooperative Grocer’s Association (NCGA) is the co-op for independent retail food co-ops. They have over 140 member co-ops nationwide, servicing hungry communities from Bellingham, Washington to Belfast, Maine.

To help grow their shopper base and re-establish what co-ops mean to their communities, the NCGA needed a consumer-facing brand that could engage a new generation of shoppers who are curious about where their food comes from and eager to support the people who produce it.

Co-op hot food containers with colorful branding
Branded takeout containers
Tagline: Fresh Roasted Coffee
Tagline: That's a tasty combo!
Tagline: You're in good company


Growing a New Brand

The design of the Co+op, Stronger Together brand brings freshness and consistency to in-store and marketing materials, reinforcing the core values of its independent member co-ops. The “co+” icon is used consistently across all of the brand materials, emphasizing the two most important parts of the co-op experience—cooperation and community.

Branded paper bags
Branded cardboard baskets
Branded napkin and cookie pouch with cookie
Branded coffee bag and paper coffee cup with branded holder
Four branded marketing flyers
Marketing flyer cover and inside spread


Watching the Brand Flower

A robust website dedicated to exploring food communities from coast-to-coast is the home of the brand online, and in 2012—the International Year of Cooperatives—online video and photo contests were held to provide a more expressive platform for co-op members.

We also teamed up with author and Top Chef star Kevin Gillespie to create a set of video webisodes that highlighted some of the interesting people and amazing food stories found in co-ops across the country.

Co-op website screenshots
Video screen capture of city skyline with logo overlaid
Video screen capture of workers inspecting food quality
Video screen capture of workers meeting
Video screen capture of fresh produce

Work on this project completed while I was employed at Milkshake—one of Austin, Texas’ finest brand agencies.